What is a good advertisement?
For me, one that I remember years after having seen it and it still puts a big smile on my face when I think about it. I’ve already written about one when I was heading to Seoul, but this year I remembered another one … one that is so old, I had to google it. In 2010 Diesel came out with a “Be Stupid Philosophy” ad series. I liked it so much, I put a poster on the back of the door of my room (I was a teenager back then). There was not even a photo on the poster, simply a black background with some bold turquoise letters stating:
“Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories.”
I loved the advertisement because it was all about daring, taking risks and going for it – no matter what others might say. And even if they do, so what! It’s good to be able to laugh about yourself and having tried! I went for it, and I believe that is what really matters.
Every time I see a poster from this advertisement series I’m filled with energy and a confidence boost that things will work out, life will be good and there is a lot in store for me (with or without a plan). In any case, how am I supposed to know everything in advance? Impossible, and life would probably be pretty boring. To get you in the same state of mind as I am, I suggest you watch the video from the Diesel advertisement.
Wordplay at its best
In case you watched the video (if not, do it now), isn’t the wordplay the’ve used amazing? Just to be clear, they’ve taken a bold statement with a strong negative connotation and turned it into something aspiring. Nobody wants to be stupid, but everybody wants to live a regret free life. Guess what, that will involve taking risks, in things not working out and “looking stupid”. And that’s okay, because it makes us human and relatable.
Storytelling that speaks to the heart
It takes courage to do the “crazy” things (and no, we probably don’t have to try everything), but it would be sad to not ever take some risks. Looking at the photos that were part of the advertisement, I think Diesel did a fantastic job in bringing this message across. In case you liked the examples I’ve uploaded here, I strongly suggest you google it and check out the other photo ads from the series.

I don’t think I’m a person who regrets a lot, if anything at all. However, when I watched the video from the campaign again this week and looked at the different ad photos, I did feel a bit of regret having taken down the poster and thrown it away at some point. Having said so, I would be curious to hear if anybody else remembers this advertisement so vividly as I do or which advertisements are your favourites?
Until soon,
Aline ☀️
Yes, indeed. The smart says NO while the stupid tendentially says YES to everything. I also stick with it but unfortunately it sometime gave me a bad consequence. But I do not regret that I said NO.
I love the ad of Nike with “just do it” slogan, somehow this is the way that I live my days.
Yes, “just do it” is another great example! 🤩
Stupid stories are funny, and that seems Smart, despite the silly ones 😅
Thank you Alfred, you got the point! 😅